Conviction Leads to Courage (Acts 21:1-16)
Acts 21 addresses COURAGE and CONVICTION. We now live in a day when believers cannot live for Christ without convictions and without courage, listen to see how you can develop both and not live by fear but live by faith.
Read MoreUnderstanding Our Purpose
Understanding and walking in our created purpose not only sets the foundation for our role as mother but it is the way we get the desired results from our role as mom.
Read MoreWho is Really in Charge?
We expose what the bible says about WHO IS IN CHARGE of our CHURCH and what
Christ expects the CHURCH TO DO with unrepentant so called Christians. A special
sermon on God’s Sovereignty, the Bible’s Authority, Sanctification, dealing with sin,
concentrating on the importance of marriage and moral purity.
The Heart of a Spiritual Leader (Acts 20:25-38)
As Paul talks to his beloved friends and fellow workers, the elders of Ephesus, he shares the truth about their importance of their heart in ministry to people. More important than a Fathers work, a mother’s schooling, a students study, a believers ministry and a preachers sermon is THE CONDITION OF YOUR HEART. this week acts 20
Read MoreEl Corazón de un Iíder Espiritual (Hechos 20:25-38) Play in new window | Download (Duration: 34:26 — 32.2MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS
Read MoreLiving with Purpose (Acts 18)
Paul’s third missionary journey took him to Corinth, where he meets Aquila and Priscilla. Too often, we think that God needs special people to accomplish great things. The reality is that God is looking for faithfulness. Some of the most amazing works of God are the result of ordinary people being faithful to the Lord. This Sunday, you are going to find encouragement to serve God each day, even when you don’t know what’s coming next.
Read MorePersevere in Preaching Christ (Acts 17)
Get ready to gain new courage to PERSEVERE in the single most important task that believers have in this short life: PREACHING CHRIST to a world that does not know Him! We’ll follow the Apostle Paul as his Gospel proclamation meets a variety of responses, from the mob in Thessalonica to the faithful Bible-studiers in Berea and then to the pondering agnostics on Mars Hill in Athens! Gospel ministry is no walk in the park, but like the Apostle Paul, we have a sovereign God who fuels us with the power we need to faithfully persevere in preaching Christ!
Read MoreGod’s Work Is Your Work (Acts 16)
As we dive into Acts 16, we will look at the stories of 3 very unique individuals—a God-fearing business woman, a demon possessed slave girl, and a Roman prison guard. While they are different in almost every way—one is seeking God, one is controlled by Satan, and one is minding his own business—their stories are woven together in the perfect plan of God.
Read MoreControversy in the Church (Acts 15)
How do you deal with controversy in the church? There is massive controversy in Acts 15 over the issue of circumcision. “Should the church require the Gentiles to be circumcised in addition to their new faith?” The apostles and elders wrestle together to settle this controversy 2000 yrs ago. Today, there are not a lot of churches struggling with circumcision, but there are other controversies in the church (i.e. social justice, social distancing, etc.). How should the church deal with such controversies?
Read MoreControversia en la Iglesia (Hechos 15)
Este DOMINGO nos reuniremos nuevamente para adorar a Cristo como una familia de la Iglesia a través del libro de Hechos capítulo 15. ¿Cómo maneja usted la controversia en la iglesia? Hay una gran controversia en Hechos 15 sobre el tema de la circuncisión. “¿Debería la iglesia exigir que los gentiles sean circuncidados además de su nueva fe?” Los apóstoles y los ancianos luchan juntos para resolver esta controversia hace 2000 años. Hoy en día, no hay muchas iglesias que luchan contra la circuncisión, pero hay otras controversias en la iglesia (es decir, justicia social, distanciamiento social, etc.). ¿Cómo debe lidiar la iglesia con tales controversias? ¿Qué podemos aprender de la gran controversia sobre la circuncisión hace 2000 años? Escuche para averiguarlo.
Read MoreUna Iglesia Digna de Imitar (Hechos 11:19-14:28)
Nuestro pasaje de este domingo refleja nuestra propia experiencia. Hechos 13 describe a la iglesia en Antioquía enviando algunos de sus mejores por el bien del Evangelio, para que Cristo fuera más conocido. Este domingo seguimos sus pasos. Experimentamos el costo y la recompensa.
Read MoreA Church Worth Imitating (Acts 11:19-14:28)
Our passage this Sunday mirrors our own experience. Acts 13 describes the church in Antioch sending out some of their best for the sake of the Gospel, so that Christ would be more broadly known. This Sunday, we follow in their steps. We experience the cost and the reward.
Read MoreBreaking Down the Barriers of Prejudice (Acts 9:32-11:18)
We will be learning from the testimony of Cornelius, a converted Gentile, who broke the Jewish racial barriers. He showed the apostle Peter that “God is not one to show partiality.”
Read MoreRomper Las Barreras Del Prejuicio (Hechos 9: 32-11: 18)
Aprenderemos del testimonio de Cornelio, un gentil convertido, que rompió las barreras raciales Judías. Le mostró al apóstol Pedro que “Dios no es uno para mostrar parcialidad”.
Read MoreTransformación Verdadera (Hechos 9:1-31)
Abrimos la Palabra de Dios en Hechos capítulo 9, con TRANSFORMACIÓN TOTAL y la conversión del apóstol Pablo. Prepárese para quedar impresionado mientras celebramos el gran AMOR de Dios y el poder transformador del Evangelio.
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