Qué Tan Malos Son? (2 Pedro 2: 10-11) Parte 1
2 Pedro 2 da una descripción de los falsos maestros. Es casi como si Peter viviera hoy y describiera a algunos de los hombres y mujeres que conocemos que están manipulando las Escrituras, deshonrando a Cristo y destrozando la iglesia para sus propios fines.
Read MoreParenting without Fear
If you make parenting decisions based on the things you are afraid will happen, you are basically saying you do not trust in God’s sovereign control over every situation. Biblical hope is to look forward with confidence to that which is good and beneficial.
Read MoreA Royal Pardon (Luke 23 33-38)
Pastor Philip will take us straight to the cross (Luke 23:33-38), looking at Christ’s heart of forgiveness in the face of His enemies. How do we live out forgiveness toward those who have opposed or even harmed us? Come learn from our Savior who was beaten, mocked, and murdered, and yet did not open His mouth, but instead willingly laid down His life for sinners!
Read MoreStop Judging Me (2 Peter 2:4-10a (part 3)
Peter wants his believing readers to know that not only is judgment coming, but also that God Himself will protect his precious children in the midst of His judgment of the rebellious false teachers and immoral non-Christians around them. God always has His remnant, and His people will always know His grace, mercy, and love.
Read MoreDeja De Juzgarme ( 2 Pedro 2: 4-10a) (parte 3)
Peter quiere que sus lectores creyentes sepan que no solo viene el juicio, sino que Dios mismo protegerá a sus preciosos hijos en medio de su juicio sobre los falsos maestros rebeldes y los no cristianos inmorales que los rodean. Dios siempre tiene su remanente, y su pueblo siempre conocerá su gracia, misericordia y amor.
Read MoreThe Diagnosis and Cure for Anxiety (Matthew 6:19-34)
looking at Christ’s HEART toward it through His words in Matthew 6. With a culture plagued by fear and anxiety, what comfort, help, and exhortation would Jesus give us to understand and deal with this issue more biblically?
Read MoreStop Judging Me (2 Peter 2:4-10a (part 2)
In 2 Peter we study the seriousness of judgment and the desperate need for salvation, which are highlighted as we see two more manifestations of God’s wrath. Our world has softened God and sought to blur our understanding of who He really is by removing judgment, denying wrath, and ignoring His justice. Peter brings a proper view of the one true God right back into focus.
Read MoreDeja De Juzgarme ( 2 Pedro 2: 4-10a) (parte 2)
En 2 Pedro estudiamos la seriedad del juicio y la necesidad desesperada de salvación, que se destacan cuando vemos dos manifestaciones más de la ira de Dios. Nuestro mundo ha ablandado a Dios y ha tratado de desdibujar nuestra comprensión de quién es Él realmente al eliminar el juicio, negar la ira e ignorar su justicia. Peter vuelve a enfocar una visión adecuada del único Dios verdadero.
Read MoreThe Tools of Discipline
Discipline is a tool of training. Training is the most important thing you do as a mom. It is a privilege we have to train our kids to deny themselves and follow Jesus.
Read MoreChrist’s Heart on Preferences (Matthew 7:1-6)
Don’t miss out on the chance to hear Jesus’ perspective on this sometimes sticky subject!
Read MoreStop Judging Me 2 Peter 2:4-10a (part 1)
Peter gives his readers three examples of judgment from the PAST to prove that judgment will be certainly coming to the false teachers in the FUTURE. Peter describes God’s judgment of His own special servants: HIS ANGELS. Fallen angels attacked, sought to corrupt, and went beyond the barriers God set for them. Because of these things, they were dramatically judged by God in the past as proof that He will judge evil false teachers in the future.
Read MoreDeja De Juzgarme ( 2 Pedro 2: 4-10a) (parte 1)
Pedro les da a sus lectores tres ejemplos de juicio del PASADO para demostrar que el juicio ciertamente llegará a los falsos maestros en el FUTURO. Pedro describe el juicio de Dios sobre sus propios siervos especiales: SUS ÁNGELES. Los ángeles caídos atacaron, intentaron corromper y fueron más allá de las barreras que Dios les impuso. Debido a estas cosas, fueron juzgados dramáticamente por Dios en el pasado como prueba de que juzgará a los malos falsos maestros en el futuro.
Read MoreThe Importance of Children (Mark 10:13-16)
We’ll see in Mark 10:13-16 the very special place that children have in God’s plan. What did Jesus think about those little ones being brought to Him to bless? What ways can adults learn about our relationship to God from the heart of a child? What hope does the Bible give us for the eternal safety of those who die as infants or young children?
Read More‘Churchy’ Bad Guys (2 Peter 2:2-3) part 2
Peter continues to describe the churchy bad guys who are attacking the churches with their deceptive lies. God exposes the motives that DRIVE these likeable ‘so-called phony Christian teachers.’
Read MoreChicos Malos “De Iglesia” (2 Pedro 2:2-3) parte 2
Peter continúa describiendo a los malos de la iglesia que están atacando a las iglesias con sus mentiras engañosas. Dios expone los motivos que CONDUCEN a estos simpáticos “supuestos falsos maestros cristianos”.
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