La Importancia de los Recordatorios y Recordar (2 Pedro 1: 12-15)
Pedro nos recordará la importancia de recordar la verdad de Dios.
Read MoreJesus Solves Life’s Greatest Problem (John 11)
Jesus Solves Life’s Greatest Problem
Read MoreJesús Resuelve el Mayor Problema de la Vida (Juan 11)
Jesús resuelve el mayor problema de la vida
Read MoreMen,Women, and Gender
Sadly, there is much confusion in our world today when it comes to gender, and as Christians we so desperately need a healthy balance of grace and truth in our approach to the issues.
Read MoreDon’t Rest Assured ― Prove Your Assurance, Part 2 (2 Peter 1:8-11)
2 Peter 1:10-11 finishes Peter’s instruction on assurance. He calls us to make certain we are called and does so in way which will encourage our hearts in a big way.
Read MoreNo Descanses Seguro; PRUEBA tu Seguridad (2 Pedro 1: 8-11, parte 2)
2 Pedro 1:10-11 termina la instrucción de Pedro sobre la seguridad. Nos llama a asegurarnos de que estamos llamados y lo hace de manera que anime nuestro corazón de una manera grande.
Read MoreCreation vs Evolution
With Dr. Bill Barrick, we are given a helpful distinction between Naturalism versus Supernaturalism, and are pointed to the authority of God’s Word for all the answers we need about the world we live in!
Read MoreDon’t Rest Assured ― Prove Your Assurance (2 Peter 1:8-11)
Our study of 2 Peter continues with verses 8-9 when Peter warns his readers and us to NOT REST ASSURED, but PROVE OUR ASSURANCE of SALVATION. He says our growth in character is what gives us assurance, but failure to do so puts us in the UNCERTAIN category.
Read MoreNo Descanses Seguro; PRUEBA tu Seguridad (2 Pedro 1: 8-11, parte 1)
Nuestro estudio de 2 Pedro continúa con los versículos 8-9 cuando Pedro nos advierte a sus lectores y a nosotros que NO TENGAmos un seguro, sino que proveamos nuestra garantía de salvación. Dice que nuestro crecimiento en el carácter es lo que nos da seguridad, pero no hacerlo nos coloca en la categoría INCERTAIN.
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Read MoreGrowth Is Evidence of Life (2 Peter 1:5-7)
Peter continues to encourage and challenge the churches in Turkey by calling on them to PROVE their salvation because SPIRITUAL GROWTH IS EVIDENCE OF LIFE. Come this Sunday to get your godly ‘CHARACTER ON.’
Read MoreEl Crecimiento es Evidencia de VIDA ( 2 Pedro 1: 5-7)
Pedro sigue animando y desafiando a las iglesias en Turquía instándoles a que provean su salvación porque el crecimiento espiritual es evidencia de vida. Ven este domingo para poner tu ‘PERSONAJE’ piadoso.
Read MoreBiblical Friendships Inside and Outside the Church
Life is ministry. Let’s walk together in the obedience and see God work in our relationships.
Read MorePersonal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Read MoreYou Have All You Need…To Live for Christ (2 Peter 1:4, Part 3
More encouragement from 2 Peter about the sufficiency of Christ and His incredible encouragements and promises
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