Be Prepared (Matthew 25:1-13)

In the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids ask yourself: 1) Who is the bridegroom and who are the bridesmaids? 2) How are foolishness and wisdom illustrated? 3) How does this parable apply to me? See if you are one of those who are prepared for Jesus Christ to return.

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The Remarkable Reasons Jesus Came (Christmas 2016)

At Christmas, we celebrate the remarkable reasons Jesus came. Most of the reasons revolve around His substitutionary death for sin—the baby Jesus came to die. This is a great seasonal reminder of the greatest miracle that ever occurred—the birth of God as a baby.

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Forsaking ALL for Christ (Philippians 3:7-8)

Paul told us in verses 4 to 6 about all his massive religious advantages, and now he tells us what he thinks of all his good achievements, along with his amazing intimacy and love for Christ. You will be blown away by what it means to forsake all for Christ.

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The Wrong Path to Pursuing Christ (Philippians 3:4-6)

The greatest danger of putting confidence in the flesh would be to trust our own efforts to earn our salvation. Personal religious efforts to be saved was the Judaizers’ dogma and being a super-Jew is how Paul first tried to earn his salvation. In this passage, Paul will describe every way he took to be righteous before God as a non-Christian–but no man can ever earn his own salvation.

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Kevin excelled at life and sought the approval of others, and though he attended church for long periods of time, it was not until he learned what the Bible really teaches about Jesus Christ that he surrendered to Christ and experienced true heart change.

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