What Keeps The Church Afloat

What keeps the church afloat? We live in dangerous waters and for many, the local church is a leaky boat. Churches continue to compromise convictions and some have ceased being churches at all, though they keep the name. What commitments do we uphold to not only stay afloat, but to thrive during these dangerous times? Yes, we follow our great Captain, the head of our church – but how? And how do we glorify the Father by reaching the lost and equipping the saints?

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Embrace the Tension Romans 13:11-14 

Today we will study Romans 13:12-14. This passage tells us we are in a battle. We are ready to point our guns toward our government, or our media, or the culture around us, but the enemy is not somewhere out there; the enemy is within each of us. Our flesh desires to go back to its old ways, and sometimes we find ourselves slipping back into our pre-Christ struggles. But this passage is a call to take up arms!

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Take Risks for the Glory of the King (Esther 4:13-16)

the Book of Esther. We step into the timeline of Redemptive History within 100 years of the silent period that separates the OT from the NT; Israelites are under Persian rule and facing impending destruction, yet God once again shows Himself faithful to preserve His people and He uses a young, beautiful woman who risks it all for His glory!

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Will You Surpass Jonah? (Jonah 4)

As we open the book of Jonah this week, we are going to see a man who was decidedly unhappy with the paths God had him walking in. The book – while familiar – has some important truths that many people read right over. But we will see God’s mercies and your own grumblings in a new way.

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Isaiah’s Vision (Isaiah 6:1-8) 

Our “Journey Thru the OT” stays in the time period of the prophets; Shawn Farrell will preach from Isaiah 6, the glorious throne room vision of Christ! It was a needed reminder of the glory of God to the people of Israel in exile, and it will be a massive encouragement for us this Sunday to behold our “holy, holy, holy” King!

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How To Escape Depression (1 Kings 19)

After the 120-year long Monarchy and the split of the Kingdom in 931 BC. The Northern Kingdom was mixing biblical truth with error and actually moving away from the TRUTH that there is only ONE GOD. Baal worship was on the rise, and God used His prophets to keep His remnant faithful to the ONE true God and His Word. Elijah is an amazing man of God and holds a showdown between the prophets of Baal and the one prophet of God. God wins a great victory, but after this incredible victory and emotional high, Elijah, falls into a deep, low, crushing depression. As he does, God helps us understand what to do when we battle with our emotions and struggle with depression.

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An Atheistic World – Psalm 14

Do you believe there is a God? Sadly, the majority of the population walk on the broad way and choose to deny the existence of God. Some even call themselves “atheists” – which, by the way, does not truly exist. Everyone knows there is a God (Romans 1), they just choose to deny, ignore, and reject Him.
This Sunday, Jesse Bocanegra will walk us through Psalm 14 and describe to us the folly and wickedness of men. We will see the Fool’s Perspective, the Lord’s Perspective, and the Hopeful Perspective. This will be a helpful Sunday that will prompt us to evaluate our own lives and how we should respond to those who deny the existence of God.

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God’s choices are better than our choices (1 Samuel 16:1-7)

This coming Sunday, I am excited to preach. It’s the next sermon in our journey through the Old Testament. Read ahead and get yourself ready in 1 Samuel 16. What an incredible story and essential piece of God’s plan for His people.
Let me ask you a question . . . Do you trust God’s choices? Really? Most Christians usually answer, “Yes, of course.” But consider the question more carefully. Can you identify any areas of your life where you struggle to trust God sometimes? List them down, and come ready on Sunday to see how God will give you extra motivation to grow in your faith and really believe “God’s choices are better than our choices.” Can you tell I’m excited?

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Truth for When the Future Looks Tough Deuteronomy 4:32-40

This Sunday, we move the story of the Old Testament forward to the day when Israel is on the very edge of the Promised Land. Their wanderings were at an end, the land lays ahead and God had sustained them for 40 years in the wilderness. Moses now gives the nation a final charge before they march in to conquer. What would you say to a nation that’s prone to grumbling, doubt and wandering? What he tells them is a truth you need to remember as well.

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THE FLOOD (Genesis 6-9)

You know the story, the animals came in 2×2, Noah built a big boat, the rain came down, the dove returned with an olive branch, and God hung a rainbow in the sky. We visualize Noah’s flood as a kid’s story, but this is not an accurate description.
Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, the flood is the greatest demonstration of the wrath of God in history. It is only in light of this reality that we can fully understand and appreciate the amazing salvation we often take for granted.

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What’s the Real Story?

We are beginning our SUMMER STUDY of the OT – this summer in a fun way. We will teach selected passages from the OT, but then tie the old testament together with some instructional video helps. This week, we start at the beginning with an overview of Genesis and the OT …Four events and four big characters.

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TROUBLE (John 14:1-6)

JOHN 14 reminds us of the trust we can have in our Savior Jesus, fully God, fully Man, the way, the truth and the life. Be there, and come prepared to be encouraged and challenged from God’s Word!

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The War Within (Romans 7:13-25)

We will dive into Romans 7:13–25 and consider the great battle, the “War Within,” that every single true believer in Christ faces: the battle with our sinful flesh. Though we have been regenerated and given a new heart that no longer desires to sin, we still find ourselves having sinful inclinations. For the believer, this causes us great grief and trouble to do the very thing that we hate! So, in order to find victory and peace over our indwelling sin, we will seek to understand what the Apostle Paul lays out concerning the sinfulness of sin and the sufficiency of God’s grace.

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Christians Are Cross! (Galatians 6:14-18)

Christians are CROSS – not angry, but totally focused on the CROSS of Christ. This weekend, we finish Galatians and you WILL BE BLESSED! Thinking, living, and being obsessed by the cross is the final challenge of Paul to the Galatians and us. The cross is your obsession, your brag, your reliance and transformation. Can you and I live a lifestyle consumed with GRACE – YES YOU CAN!

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The Most Dangerous Motives (Galatians 6:11-13)

What drives those who teach error. As Paul wraps up his first and most pointed letter, He summarizes the entire book and exposes what drives those who want to teach salvation comes through keeping the law, getting circumcised and attending the festivals – not merely FAITH, but FAITH PLUS Jewish practice. Paul exhorts the Galatians to NOT doubt the bible, Run from pride, reject personal comfort, and refuse to be hypocritical.

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