The Heart of A Spiritual Leader (Colossians 2:1-5)

By Shawn Farrell | December 15, 2024

http://fbcaudio2024.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermon12152024.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:48 — 42.5MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS

Our Singular Focus In Ministry (Colossians 1:28-29)

By Shawn Farrell | December 8, 2024

https://fbcaudio2024.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermon12082024.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:04 — 42.3MB) Subscribe: Spotify | RSS

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A Church Worth Imitating (Acts 11:19-14:28)

By John Pleasnick | August 2, 2020

Our passage this Sunday mirrors our own experience. Acts 13 describes the church in Antioch sending out some of their best for the sake of the Gospel, so that Christ would be more broadly known. This Sunday, we follow in their steps. We experience the cost and the reward.

Breaking Down the Barriers of Prejudice (Acts 9:32-11:18)

By Chris Mueller | July 26, 2020

We will be learning from the testimony of Cornelius, a converted Gentile, who broke the Jewish racial barriers. He showed the apostle Peter that “God is not one to show partiality.”

Romper Las Barreras Del Prejuicio (Hechos 9: 32-11: 18)

By Chris Mueller | July 26, 2020

Aprenderemos del testimonio de Cornelio, un gentil convertido, que rompió las barreras raciales Judías. Le mostró al apóstol Pedro que “Dios no es uno para mostrar parcialidad”.

Transformación Verdadera (Hechos 9:1-31)

By Chris Mueller | July 19, 2020

Abrimos la Palabra de Dios en Hechos capítulo 9, con TRANSFORMACIÓN TOTAL y la conversión del apóstol Pablo. Prepárese para quedar impresionado mientras celebramos el gran AMOR de Dios y el poder transformador del Evangelio.

True Transformation (Acts 9:1-31)

By Chris Mueller | July 19, 2020

We open God’s Word in Acts chapter 9, with TOTAL TRANSFORMATION and the conversion of the Apostle Paul. Get ready to be blown away as we celebrate the great LOVE of God and transforming power of the Gospel.

How To Grow A Church (Acts 5)

By Nigel Shailer | July 12, 2020

Nigel will be expositing Acts 5 on the account of Ananias and Sapphira, who lied to the Holy Spirit. God’s judgment of them set the tone for the church and provided the right foundation for massive church growth.

Cómo Hacer Crecer Uglesia (Hechos 5)

By Nigel Shailer | July 12, 2020

Expondremos Hechos 5 por cuenta de Ananías y Safira, quienes mintieron al Espíritu Santo. El juicio de Dios sobre ellos marcó la pauta para la iglesia y proporcionó la base correcta para el crecimiento masivo de la iglesia.

He Can’t Be Stopped (Acts 4)

By Morgan Maitland | July 5, 2020

As we walk through Acts 4 think about it, when you look at our world today it seems like “Christian Morals” are losing and the world is “winning.” Hear what God says in Acts 4. You will be so encouraged by the incredible testimony to the power of the Gospel as the only answer the world needs amidst the decline of society.

No Puede Ser Detenido (Hechos 4)

By Morgan Maitland | July 5, 2020

Mientras pasamos por Hechos 4, piense en ello, cuando mira nuestro mundo de hoy parece que los “cristianos morales” están perdiendo y el mundo está “ganando”. Escuche lo que Dios dice en Hechos 4. El increíble testimonio del poder del Evangelio lo alentará tanto como la única respuesta que el mundo necesita en medio del declive de la sociedad.

Three Dramatic Changes Affecting You (Acts 2)

By Chris Mueller | June 28, 2020

We are expositing through Acts 2 and discovering THREE DRAMATIC CHANGES THAT EFFECT YOU.

Tres Cambios Dramáticos que te Afectan (Hechos 2)

By Chris Mueller | June 28, 2020

Este domingo, sentiremos que la iglesia primitiva se reúne y, como lo diría la providencia, estamos exponiendo a través de Hechos 2 y descubriendo TRES CAMBIOS DRAMÁTICOS QUE LO AFECTAN.

The 5th Gospel (Isaiah 53)

By Chris Mueller | June 21, 2020

We study SALVATION from the 5th gospel – no, not some heretical book
from the 2nd century, but from the book of ISAIAH chapter 53. You will be encouraged to gather, partake in communion, hear God’s Word on salvation, as well as the end times when the Jewish Nation finally turns to Christ as their Messiah