Intro to Colossians (Colossians 1:1-2)

By Shawn Farrell | September 15, 2024

This Sunday, we will begin our verse-by-verse study with Colossians 1:1-2.  Come be encouraged as Paul points us to the central theme of Christ! 

Nunca Vayas Allí Otra Vez  (Gálatas 5:1-6)

By Chris Mueller | February 12, 2023

El desafío de Paul de NUNCA VOLVER A IR ALLÍ. No abrace las obras, la ley, la tradición, la ceremonia como un camino de salvación, confíe solo en Cristo por Gracia a través de la Fe. Mantente libre, nunca vuelvas a la esclavitud. Pablo es IMPRESIONANTE en estos versículos y dice cosas a las que incluso los cristianos sólidos reaccionan. Habla de los que se alejan de Cristo, de los que deciden salvarse a su manera. SIN EMBARGO TAMBIÉN celebra la singularidad de la vida en el Espíritu, donde confiamos en Cristo y vivimos una vida de amor por las obras.

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Estar en Guardia: Los Cristianos Tendrán Enemigos (2 Timoteo 4:14-15)

By Chris Mueller | March 24, 2019

Cómo lidiar con aquellos que se oponen a ti y a tu fe. ¿Alguna vez alguien te ha reventado por ser un creyente?

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The Heart of Getting High

By Morgan Maitland | March 17, 2019

Does the Bible have anything to say about Marijuana? Yes, it does. Biblical principles are applied to show us that “getting high” is not just an external issue, but it is an issue of the heart.

The Humility of Discipleship (Philippians 3:17-21)

By John Pleasnick | March 17, 2019

Too many Christians live isolated and alone in the midst of a church family. The Scriptures know nothing of such a life. Christians are called to humbly open up their lives to others, and Paul explains why in Philippians 3:17-21.

La Humildad del Discipulado (Filipenses 3:17-21)

By John Pleasnick | March 17, 2019

Demasiados cristianos viven aislados y solos en medio de una familia eclesiástica. Las escrituras no saben nada de esa vida. Los cristianos están llamados a abrir humildemente sus vidas a los demás,  y Pablo explica por qué en Filipenses 3:17-21.

Slaves of God, Not of Sin (Romans 6:15-23)

By Alex Montoya | March 10, 2019

We aim to see that justification results in sanctification by seeing us free from the enslavement to sin to become slaves of God, and thus salves of righteousness.

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Grace Changes Everything, part 2

By Shawn Farrell | March 10, 2019

Looking at the doctrines of grace, we will answer very important questions. Who is responsible for your salvation? If God is sovereign, is man still responsible? Does man choose God or does God choose man? For whom did Jesus die? Is it possible to lose your salvation? The answers to these questions will humble you, encourage you, and draw your heart to worship our Savior.

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Grace Changes Everything, part 1

By Shawn Farrell | March 3, 2019

A look at the doctrines of grace and our salvation. In this study, we will answer some very important questions. Who is responsible for your salvation? If God is sovereign, is man still responsible? Does man choose God, or does God choose man? For whom did Jesus die? Is it possible to lose your salvation? The answers to these questions will humble you, encourage you, and draw your heart to worship our Savior.

2 Timothy - Combat Guide

What Are Your ESSENTIALS? A Coat and Books (2 Timothy 4:9-13)

By Chris Mueller | March 3, 2019

Paul describes his physical and spiritual needs. Fun and challenging essentials are exposed in God’s Word.

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Fourteen Steps to Financial Freedom

By Jim Rickard | February 27, 2019

Dr. Jim Rickard, who will give us his “Fourteen Steps To Financial Freedom”. Get ready to drink from the fire hose of practical help on this hugely important topic! You’ll hear wisdom from God’s Word on how to be a good steward of the Lord’s resources; every one of us, no matter what season of life.

2 Timothy - Combat Guide

Your Christian Crew (2 Timothy 4:9-12)

By Chris Mueller | February 24, 2019

Paul will describe to Timothy what his final plans are for those fellow ministers who are making a difference in the Early Church. Paul will describe servants who have done well (and one who did not), instructing us about friendship, loyalty, and mission.

2 Timothy - Combat Guide

Closing Credits: A Life Fully Lived for Christ part 2 (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

By Chris Mueller | February 17, 2019

Paul’s closing credits, his obituary describing his life as a fulfilled ministry. This is a crucial passage for you to live by.

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Marriage and Relationships Charge

By Mike Fabarez | February 10, 2019

Because for now our Christian Marriages- Friendships will be periodically marked by insensitive actions and sinful transgressions, we must for Christʼs sake resolve ahead of time to reflect Godʼs patience and forgiveness.