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Your Christian Crew (2 Timothy 4:9-12)
Paul will describe to Timothy what his final plans are for those fellow ministers who are making a difference in the Early Church. Paul will describe servants who have done well (and one who did not), instructing us about friendship, loyalty, and mission.
Closing Credits: A Life Fully Lived for Christ part 2 (2 Timothy 4:7-8)
Paul’s closing credits, his obituary describing his life as a fulfilled ministry. This is a crucial passage for you to live by.
Marriage and Relationships Charge
Because for now our Christian Marriages- Friendships will be periodically marked by insensitive actions and sinful transgressions, we must for Christʼs sake resolve ahead of time to reflect Godʼs patience and forgiveness.
Closing Credits part 1 (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
Closing credits for a life–what it means to depart to be with Christ.
The Price of Preaching–part 4 (2 Timothy 4:5)
Paul wraps up his charge to Timothy on preaching with a life-charge that fits every Christian. Every one of us needs to use discipline to plan our days, be prepared to suffer, not lose heart in sharing the Gospel with the lost, and fulfill our God-given ministry on Earth.
The Difficulty of Preaching part 3 (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Paul describes the hearts of people and explains why preaching is so difficult. Paul is pointed, exposing the difficulties and dangers of not listening to the Word of God. He actually describes some of your family and friends. How they chose not to listen to sound doctrine, then drifted away toward being entertained by weak or errant teaching, leading to the final stage of believing myths or errors—subtle ideas that seem to be helpful, but actually damn the soul.
A Challenge to Wives (1 Peter 3:1-6)
The focus is on the ladies, looking at Peter’s helpful instructions on the character and conduct of godly women in 1 Peter 3:1-6. If you’re interested in strengthening your pursuit of God-honoring relationships, whether it’s marriage or any other relationship, you will want to hear this.
Avoid Marriage Altogether or Make Marriage Work Great (Ephesians 5:22-33)
In Ephesians 5, we look at men’s and women’s roles, as defined by God Himself! Whether you are married, dating or single, you will be hugely encouraged as we consider God’s wisdom on these crucial topics. Be strengthened in your pursuit of God-honoring relationships.
The Dedication Necessary for Preaching, part 2 (2 Timothy 4:1)
Paul commands Timothy to preach the Word, and instead of motivating him with how easy it is, he reminds Timothy how dedicated he must be to preach biblically. The preaching God expects preachers to do is not the kind of preaching we often see today. God commands preaching and describes the content of preaching–the Word. Then Paul raises the stakes even higher by reminding Timothy of the dedication required for genuine, biblical preaching.
Blue Print For Relationships (Genesis 1-2)
Chris Mueller will take us through key passages in Scripture, laying the biblical foundation for marriage. Marriage (and all other relationships) are created by God and we are to follow His blueprint so that we bring Him glory through those relationships.
Preaching is Seriously Important, part 1 (2 Timothy 4:1)
Paul challenges Timothy with the serious importance of preaching God’s Word. The first indicator of a healthy church is the nature of its pulpit. This also affects parents as you seek to teach the Word to your children or disciple a student or impact a spouse with the truth. You and I need to hear just how important preaching is to God.