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The Mission and Motivation of the Minister (1 Timothy 6:11-16)
Paul challenges Timothy with the mission and motivation of the minister. What must Christians who seek to impact others flee from, follow after, fight for, and be future-minded about? What motivates your daily life if not the incredible character of God Himself? Chapter 6:11-16 will blow you away with what keeps Paul, Timothy, and all believers motivated to live for Christ.
Wisdom in Finances (Moms by Grace – Feb 2018)
Being wise in our finances begins with the heart issues. Learn how to apply God’s Word to this important area of your life.
Earthly Gain or Eternal Satisfaction (1 Timothy 6:2c-10)
Paul contrasts the greedy false teachers with the contentedness of godly believers. It is all about money! It’s going be challenging and practical.
Labor Relations to the Glory of God (1 Timothy 6:1-2b)
Paul will continue to instruct each of us at FBC how we must treat one another in order to reflect God’s nature and character, particularly in the workplace.
The Care and Feeding of Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-25)
Paul instructs Timothy and Ephesus in an area every church member must know. Do elders need special treatment, special care, unique treatment? God says, “Yes!” And you should know what to do concerning the care and feeding of elders. It will open our eyes to spiritual leadership, God’s holiness, and the purity of the church in a whole new way.
God’s High Calling for Women (1 Timothy 5:9-16)
First Timothy 5 and Paul’s instruction to Timothy and Ephesus on the care and feeding of widows. Why does James 1:27 say, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world”? Listen and learn just how important it is.
How Do You Treat Your Family? (1 Timothy 5:1-8)
Paul’s instruction to Timothy about how to care for the household of God. Whether you are a grandparent in your 80’s or a single in your 20’s, this Sunday’s sermon is rich in application and relevance for your life.
Wise Women Are Clothed in Contentment (Moms by Grace – Jan 2018)
As a mom of young kids, it can be so easy to be discontented with your circumstances and find yourself wishing that things were different. Learn how God’s sovereignty and your thankfulness can play huge roles in helping you find true contentment.
Cultivating Spiritual Health (1 Timothy 4:6-16)
Today is all about spiritual health–for the Church and for the Christian. Paul instructs Timothy on what he needs to do in order to stand firm against apostasy, as well as cultivate health in the Church and cause you to grow healthy as well.
Hope, Holiness, and Honor (1 Peter 1:13-17)
Family Nights 6 of 6 – Morgan Matiland- October 29, 2017