Intro to Colossians (Colossians 1:1-2)

By Shawn Farrell | September 15, 2024

This Sunday, we will begin our verse-by-verse study with Colossians 1:1-2.  Come be encouraged as Paul points us to the central theme of Christ! 

Nunca Vayas Allí Otra Vez  (Gálatas 5:1-6)

By Chris Mueller | February 12, 2023

El desafío de Paul de NUNCA VOLVER A IR ALLÍ. No abrace las obras, la ley, la tradición, la ceremonia como un camino de salvación, confíe solo en Cristo por Gracia a través de la Fe. Mantente libre, nunca vuelvas a la esclavitud. Pablo es IMPRESIONANTE en estos versículos y dice cosas a las que incluso los cristianos sólidos reaccionan. Habla de los que se alejan de Cristo, de los que deciden salvarse a su manera. SIN EMBARGO TAMBIÉN celebra la singularidad de la vida en el Espíritu, donde confiamos en Cristo y vivimos una vida de amor por las obras.

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God’s Self-Disclosure (Psalm 19)

By Nigel Shailer | June 4, 2017

Psalm 19 is a psalm that explains how God made Himself known to us. C.S. Lewis said it’s “the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.”

Our Help and Deliverer (Psalm 40)

By Morgan Maitland | May 28, 2017

Deliverance comes from the Lord! Look back at how He has delivered in the past to produce trust, then look up and ask for deliverance, and expect God to deliver.

God’s Forgiveness – Our Great Ascent (Psalm 130)

By Jon Stead | May 21, 2017

Psalm 130:4 says, With God there is forgiveness that you may be feared. Learn how God’s great forgiveness is the foundation for Fearing him. Ascend from the depths of depravity to the Heights of Knowing God and his mercy!

Two Truths and a Lie (Psalm 73)

By Shawn Farrell | May 14, 2017

If God is good and if God is just, then why do the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer? Why is life so much easier for them than it is for me? Have you ever asked this question? Welcome to the club. You are not alone. This is the very issue that the psalmist faces in Psalm 73.

The Treasure of God’s Word (Psalm 1)

By John Pleasnick | May 7, 2017

Christians love worship, and one of the best ways to satisfy that hunger is to study the Psalms.

Growing Godly in Difficult Times (Philippians 4:1-9)

By Chris Mueller | April 30, 2017

We will have the opportunity to study the forest and not merely a tree as we study an overview of this amazing, life-changing passage on STANDING FIRM in Philippians 4:1 to 9.

Developing Obedient HABITS (Philippians 4:9)

By Chris Mueller | April 23, 2017

We wrap up our exposition in Philippians 4, STANDING FIRM, with one of the radical keys of the Christian Life. It is crucial to growing mature in Christ: developing habits of obedience. Philippians 4:9 will transform your life.


Exposing the Secret of Your Heart (Easter 2017)

By Chris Mueller | April 16, 2017

An encouraging message to equip believers and uniquely speak to the so-called self-deceived make-believer and the determined unbeliever.


Good Friday 2017

By Chris Mueller | April 15, 2017

Remembering the Passover Lamb through God’s Word

Dealing with Discouragement (Moms By Grace – Apr 2017)

By Marcia Cotter | April 10, 2017

What do you do when you feel like a failure as a mom? When you don’t see character growth in your children, what truths should you remind yourself of and what can you do?

Filter Your Thinking (Philippians 4:8)

By Chris Mueller | April 9, 2017

Philippians 4:8–controlling your thinking so that your mind honors Christ. You’ll be surprised and encouraged about what this verse actually says, and it will be a life-changing moment for all of us.

The Power of Personal Prayer (Philippians 4:6b-7)

By Chris Mueller | April 2, 2017

We will learn to stand firm by practicing personal prayer. As you do so, the Lord will encourage and convict you to pray to him personally about everything.