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The Quality of a Godly Woman (1 Pet 3:1)
A godly woman puts her hope in God alone. She focuses her hope in the sovereign power of God and His ability to act on her behalf.
An Uncommon Love (1 Pet 1-2)
Peter’s counsel to men and women in 1 Peter 3 hinges on the redemptive realities of the first two chapters. Through Jesus, we are called to love others in a way that’s profoundly different than the world around us.
TOUGH STUFF: Eschatology
If you’ve ever struggled to understand Revelation 20 and the future reign of Christ on earth, then you’ve got to listen to this sermon by Matt Waymeyer. He walks through kingdom issues with great insight into the Scriptures.
TOUGH STUFF: Sermon From Hell!
It may be said here is the toughest doctrine of them all–hell. One may misunderstand tongues, or the timing of the Rapture and not be harmed. But this truth has eternal consequences attached to it.
The world’s mindset is, “The more I have, the happier I will be!” The rich person’s perspective is, “If only I had a little more, then I would be happy!” The poor person’s perspective is, if only we had money, then we would be happy!” But what is God’s perspective of money? This is what we want to look at today. I want to appeal to you to pay utmost attention to what God’s Word says regarding this subject.
TOUGH STUFF: Discipleship
Having ministered to many people at death’s door, the things that were important to them were faith, friends, and family. Having a near-death experience, getting a fatal disease, receiving a bad medical report–growing old for the Christian brings clarity to what is important. And as you face eternity, it won’t be your income, education or sports history, your school or your pets that will be important. It will be people, your family, church family and friends. Things don’t matter, events never last, even books will be destroyed with this planet–trophy’s break, teams graduate, activities end, houses burn . . . but people are eternal–people matter.
TOUGH STUFF: Shaping The Will – spanking
Call into question someone’s parenting and you will find people very defensive. Some Christians won’t even talk to you; some think they have it wired; others feel they are being attacked just by bringing it up. Look at Scripture with us and discover God’s means of discipline that children desperately need.
Not until college did God awaken Jonathan to see his sin and trust in Jesus for salvation.
People often speak of sign gifts like healing, tongues and prophecy as one category. In reality, God had different purposes for each of those gifts. You may be surprised to learn that Scripture describes their role in the church quite clearly.
TOUGH STUFF: Speaking In Tongues
We love the Spirit for many reasons, one of them is the fact that He gifts us for service to the body of Christ. Many Churches sadly almost IGNORE the Spirit because there is so much misunderstanding about certain spiritual gifts. One of the most controversial is the gift of Tongues.
TOUGH STUFF: Church Discipline
How do we deal with unrepentant sin in the lives of fellow believers? You will be shocked just how much the New Testament addresses this issue and tells us what to do.