http://fbcaudio2024.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermon12152024.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:48 — 42.5MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS
https://fbcaudio2024.s3.amazonaws.com/Sermon12082024.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:04 — 42.3MB) Subscribe: Spotify | RSS
Through Christ, God provided the love that Tamra had so long sought after.
Rejoicing, When There’s Nothing to Smile About (1 Pet 1:6-9, pt 2)
Why we can rejoice through trials.
Empty pleasures never satisifed. Jason describes how God rescued him and brought lasting joy to his life.
Rejoicing, When There’s Nothing to Smile About (1 Pet. 1:6-9) Pt. 1
Why we should rejoice even in the midst of suffering.
The Future Changes How We Live (1 Pet 1:4-5)
Have you ever FELT the power of Anticipation – Would you agree, that anticipation of future realities dramatically affect the way we LIVE TODAY? That is exactly what Peter is saying in 1 Peter 1:3-5.
You Are Alive in a Dead World (1 Pet 1:3)
As a Christian you are alive in a dead world.
Raised in a Christian home, God was at work in Amie gently and gradually drawing her to Himself.
Chosen by Grace to Grow & Obey (1 Pet 1:2)
We are chosen by grace to grow and live obediently.
You belong to God, but live in a foreign land (1 Pet 1:1)
Do you know how to thrive when life is difficult? The world is full of danger, but we can be secure in God because of Christ.
Standing Firm In a Foreign Land (1 Peter Intro)
Do you know what it is like to be staying in a foreign country, not know anyone, not speak the language and experience hostility? The believers Peter writes in his first letter did. So Peter exhorts them to be strong in grace- to live by grace and truth, and charges them to stand firm as strangers in a foreign land; Hey, the USA is NOT our first citizenship; we’re actually on enemy turf right now. This is foreign soil for the Christian – so what should we do?
Essential Truths for Healthy Relationships
All healthy marriages, families and friendships grow and change and so do all healthy churches–all healthy churches grow and change. It is often growth and healthy changes that keep us dependent on Christ. But we are not above the drift toward externals nor beyond staleness. So before that happens, before we fall into unhealthy routines, improper speech, unloving actions, I want to have us test our relationships as a church, a family of families, and individual Christians in the church to see where you are.
Watch Danny describe how Christ changed his life