Intro to Colossians (Colossians 1:1-2)

By Shawn Farrell | September 15, 2024

This Sunday, we will begin our verse-by-verse study with Colossians 1:1-2.  Come be encouraged as Paul points us to the central theme of Christ! 

Nunca Vayas Allí Otra Vez  (Gálatas 5:1-6)

By Chris Mueller | February 12, 2023

El desafío de Paul de NUNCA VOLVER A IR ALLÍ. No abrace las obras, la ley, la tradición, la ceremonia como un camino de salvación, confíe solo en Cristo por Gracia a través de la Fe. Mantente libre, nunca vuelvas a la esclavitud. Pablo es IMPRESIONANTE en estos versículos y dice cosas a las que incluso los cristianos sólidos reaccionan. Habla de los que se alejan de Cristo, de los que deciden salvarse a su manera. SIN EMBARGO TAMBIÉN celebra la singularidad de la vida en el Espíritu, donde confiamos en Cristo y vivimos una vida de amor por las obras.

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Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

By Bob Vernon | June 14, 2009

http://fbcaudio2009.s3.amazonaws.com/sermon06142009.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:36 — 11.9MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS

Resisting the Grace of God (2 Kings 5)

By Erick Cobb | June 7, 2009

http://fbcaudio2009.s3.amazonaws.com/sermon06072009b.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:19 — 13.0MB) Subscribe: Spotify | RSS

The Court is Now in Session

By Shawn Farrell | June 7, 2009

I want to focus our attention on the Gospel. My goal today is to go back to the cross of Jesus Christ and stir our hearts afresh. We are here this morning because of the cross of Jesus Christ. We serve and minister because of the cross. As Christians our life is about Jesus Christ.

God on Guard

By Kurt Gebhards | May 31, 2009

http://fbcaudio2009.s3.amazonaws.com/sermon05312009.MP3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:58 — 11.7MB) Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Download Sermon Outline

What to Expect in the Future (Dan 7)

By Chris Mueller | May 24, 2009

The second coming of Christ is mentioned eight times more than His first coming. The Lord referred to His second coming 21 times in the New Testament. We are told over fifty times in the New Testament to be ready for Christ’s return. And Daniel 7 describes the second coming of Christ.

The Power of Faithfulness (Dan 6)

By Chris Mueller | May 17, 2009

I believe all of us want to be consistent–the question is how? How do we continue to grow when life is hard? How will we keep our commitments? How will we live for Christ, and not compromise in a world that hates Him? How will we still seek God when our friends or family are not around? The answer is found in Daniel 6.

The Purpose of Every Person

By Chris Mueller | May 10, 2009

Many Christians are living by the wrong purpose and they don’t know it, even though it robs them of abundant joyful living. I am not talking about ministry, doing more, giving more, joining a small group, finding your giftedness, having longer devotions or attending church–I am talking about why you live your Christian life.

The Writing is on the Wall (Dan 5)

By Chris Mueller | May 3, 2009

For the non-Christian who has not trusted Christ with your life and your eternal life, it should motivate you to submit to Christ. And for those of us who are His children, it should motivate us to live holy every single day. Are you ready to stand alone before God and give an account for your life right now, as you look at and evaluate your own life and heart?

Nobody Act Big (Dan 4)

By Chris Mueller | April 26, 2009

Throughout the centuries, theologians have called pride the chief of all other sins. It’s always pride which justifies disobedience, rationalizes wrong actions, and excuses rebellion. That’s why God reserves some of His strongest words for condemning the sin of pride. Pride is on the top of His hit list.

How to Trust God When Things Get Hot (Dan 3)

By Chris Mueller | April 19, 2009

Here we’ll find how to trust God when it gets hot. You know the story, but let’s take a close look at how Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego trusted God when life was literally heating up. And remember, a clear indication of your maturity as a Christian is to see how you respond to trials. Nothing will show you your character, integrity and genuine relationship with Christ as well as a hot ordeal–a fiery furnace.

The Dangers of Believing in Easter

By Chris Mueller | April 12, 2009

The real meaning of Easter is dangerous, but most of us today ignore the danger hoping it will go away, or we have no idea any danger exists, or we choose to become apathetic to the danger figuring we’ll beat the odds.

The Book of Daniel: He Knows it All (Dan 2)

By Chris Mueller | April 5, 2009

As we cruise through this chapter, you’ll be happy to discover that the God who loves us is a know-it-all. He knows everything about this world, everything about you, everything about your future this week, this year, and the remainder of your life. And He’ll prove it in Chapter 2.