1. Bruce Danks on January 21, 2021 at 6:49 am

    Hi Chris,
    You nailed the Second Coming.
    Is it possible that the Tribulation will be cut short because the Rapture will take place during the Tribulation.
    All those who go up in the Rapture would have surely died if they had to endure until the end of the Tribulation.
    So maybe the Tribulation is cut short for them but not those who are left behind.

    The bible states we are not destined for Wrath.
    Most think that the 7 year Tribulation is the Wrath of God but it’s not.
    God’s Wrath begins at the exact halfway point in the Tribulation at Rev 11:18a
    18a “The world was angry with you and you Wrath has come”.

    Last point,
    We know that when the Rapture takes place the dead in Christ will rise first, this is known as the Resurrection of the Dead in Christ.
    Q- How many Resurrections of the Dead in Christ are there?
    A- According to the bible just one and again it takes place just before the Rapture.

    So if as you believe the Rapture takes place before the Tribulation who are these who have had their heads chopped off for not taking the Mark of the Beast nor would they worship the Beast and they went around telling everyone about Jesus.
    In Revelation 20:4-5 it states that these people are apart of the First Resurrection of the Dead.

    Again, if the First Resurrection of the Dead in Christ takes place before the Tribulation who are these who are Resurrected during the Tribulation?

    Q-How many First Resurrections are there?
    A- Only one and that’s why God calls it the First Resurrection.

    Please don’t tell me these are the Tribulation Saints that got left behind after the Rapture because the Bible states they are apart of the First Resurrection of the Dead.
    Can you show me in the Bible the dead in Christ rising before the Tribulation?
    The Bible records that the graves were opened during the time of Christ but the Bible doesn’t refer to this as the First Resurrection.

    Just consider that the truth that is in your hand may not be the truth and that the Rapture and the First Resurrection will take place during the Tribulation but before God pours out His Wrath upon the earth.


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